I am afraid that I have not understood the cross-century spiritual civilization and cultural heritage represented by Notre Dame de Paris. What I am afraid of disappearing is the love and touch she has brought to people.

With love and memories of Notre-Dame, Hyman By Eman has launched a new collection of jewellery named after the Notre-Dame Collection to pay tribute to this world-class architecture.
As the French historian Dana once described in<< Philosophy of Art>>, “the light from the colored glass turns into crimson, and becomes a brilliance of the purple stone and the topaz. It becomes a mysterious flame of jewels, a strange illumination. It seems to open the window to heaven.”

In order to create a dreamy light, artisans incorporate oxides of metallic cobalt, manganese, copper, etc. in the production of jewel-like colors on stained glass to achieve this magnificent glow.
The Hyman by Eman Notre-Dame Collection is also looking for a lot of natural agate, malachite, mother-of-pearl, and perfectly cut diamonds from Antwerp, to achieve the brilliance of rose window grille.
On the facade and painted window grilles of Notre-Dame, a large number of trilobal shapes are used. Trefoil is the embodiment of the aesthetics of this cross-century building in Notre Dame. It is also the source of inspiration for the Hyman by Eman series of Notre Dame.

Although the Notre Dame was burned down accidentally, it will take several years to rebuild and open up, and it is difficult for us to predict whether she will retain her original appearance after reconstruction.
But I think I have found the answer to that question.
“Do you believe that Notre Dame will disappear one day?”
No, because I will take her with me.